So it’s been a little while since I’ve been in your inbox and so much has happened in that time.
The second half of last year was big for me and I found myself sitting with some incredibly big questions.
Questions like:
Who am I?
What do I want?
Who’s life am I living?
What is for me now?
Coinciding with my 40th lap around the sun I made the decision to step right out of my comfort zone and complete an adventure race. Through training for the race, with many hours spent in our shed gym, the boys by my side (happily and not so happily playing together), I found my strength and so much of my SELF!
I had a desire to step more into my work and have something for ME! Something that fuels the fire in my belly! Something that supports children and families to deeper understanding and connection. All whilst shedding the layers of self judgement and giving less fucks about what people think of me.
There were some really pivotal moments of feeling the grief that we are entering a new chapter of our lives. Saying farewell to the early years of babies, toddlers, little ones, as our boys grow, gaining more independence and autonomy with each and every day.
Maybe you relate to some of this, maybe not. But I know I’m not alone, as so many other mothers have expressed similar awakenings and experiences.
I don't necessarily have all the answers to these big questions, but after giving them space and allowing the uncomfortable feelings a place at the table, they are feeling less stifling and its made way for possibility, hope and excitement.
I knew as we entered the new calendar year that some big shifts and changes were going to take place this year.
We are very soon putting our beautiful house and patch of land on the market to make way for some big changes to where we call home.
Lots of unknowns at this stage, and a whole lot of trust and surrendering to what will unfold. It is all the things for me; sadness, excitement, overwhelm, uncertainty, possibility.Anyone who has uprooted their lives and family will know the bigness that is to come.
We’re not heading too far, but the mountains and rivers are calling us, to a slower pace of life and more time as a family to soak up the precious moments together.
I have some big dreams and visions for how I want to continue to support families and children this year and over the coming months I’ll be working alongside my amazing VA to bring some of them to life.
Front and centre is a program for kids and their parents on how to better relate, communicate and connect with each other.
Passing on some of the skills I have learnt and used over the past few years, which I know will be life changing in the hands of the next generation.
I’m so grateful for your continued support and I can't wait for you to help spread the word and follow along.
Mums (& Dads)… Thank you for the work you do! Mothering is one of the greatest gifts in my life and gives me such a rich space to connect not only to myself, but also so many of you.
I wonder how the year has started for you?
It can be a lot, particularly with new transitions, school or kinder starting. A new homeschool activity or flow.
Just as you do so beautifully for your children, how would it feel to have some space with me? Someone who can hold that loving space for you?
I’m NOT here to offer advice or quick fixes. I’m simply here to listen and validate how it feels in your body to hold it all, the worries, the fears, the uncertainty.
Together we can do this. I will have you feeling held, supported and strong, allowing you to move forward with ideas and practical strategies to create ease and flow in your days.
I still have 2 x 1:1 45 minute support sessions via zoom available for $75 each.
Secure your spot here and I'll send you my calendar link to book your session.I want you to feel supported so you can live life and show up as the best version of you.
With love and connection,
Emily xxx
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